Dangerous Situations

Stopped sneaking out…

“I have a teenage child who liked to sneak out at night when everyone was asleep. Since I kept close tabs on the phone usage his only way of “planning” these outings with his friends was in chat online. McGruff SafeGuard has enabled me to interfere with his sneaking out. Needless to say, he has no idea how I find out and has nearly stopped all attempts of getting out at night. ”

M. Oruz, Santa Monica, CA

Let me know when he was stepping way over boundaries…

“After talking to his school, grandparents, and mother, I confirmed what I already knew from talking with him a few times a week – my son would lie, cheat and steal to get momentary satisfaction, irregardless of any long-term consequences.

I decided to monitor his activities online. I am so glad I did. Many, many times I found out he was planning on going someplace he knew he was not allowed, while telling me he was going to attend a church function, or some other innocuous activity.

I learned how badly he lies to girls; how he boasts of things that only exist in his dreams; how he had lost his virginity.

Mind you, every teenage boy does some of this, and I allowed some of it to go “unnoticed” for just that reason. But McGruff SafeGuard let me know when my son was stepping way over the boundaries of teenage foolishness and stepping into the terminally stupid!

McGruff SafeGuard gave me a look into my son’s mind. Unfortunately, I didn’t like what I found there.”

H. Rebenson, Seattle, WA

Put a stop to a hidden out-of-state relationship…

“The McGruff SafeGuard only took one day to do what we wanted it to do. Our seventeen-year-old daughter was getting mixed up in some bad situations that could have possible cost her life we were able to intervene and hopefully get her headed in the right direction.

I have always thought that I was on top of things, I was shocked to see the people she had encountered, which lead to a out of state relationship with someone that was much older than her. He was telling her everything she wanted or felt she needed to hear. All the while building a trust with her. It has been a nightmare for all of us. But with McGruff SafeGuard we were able to not only find out about all of this but also hopefully put a stop to it.”

J. Ward, Exeter, NH